Saving On Your Car Insurance Quote

If you are looking to buy a new car one of the biggest problems you may face financially is paying for the car insurance. Sure you might shop around, but are you really getting the best deal? Are you really saving money?

We think this is a huge factor in buying a car and we want the best for you, so after a little bit of research we have found a great article that gives you

20 Ways To Find The Best Car Insurance Quote” from our friends over at

It is a comprehensive yet simple guide to covering all the areas that will without doubt save you money on your next car insurance quote. It also has links to some awesome resources around the web to help you along the way.

I Wonder how much Bugatti would cost to insure?

Or the Pagani Huayra

We would bring you their full list but that would be stealing wouldn’t it, so here are some of the best tips:

1) Do Not Auto-Renew Your Insurance!

Why? Well it’s simple and quite surprising. Car insurance companies have been known to save their cheapest rates for new customers which results in your premium being increased or you being charged a renewal fee! How crazy is that.

2) Don’t Overestimate Mileage

If you tell your insurance company that you drive more miles than you actually do, your quote will be more expensive as the insurance company thinks you are more likely to have an accident the more that you are on the road.

It makes perfect sense so it is worth working out exactly the amount of miles you drive so that you can save a little money. Carhoots point you in the direction of a couple of cool tools to help out work this out.

3) Buy Your Insurance Online

If you still aren’t buying things online, you really need to start doing so. 1) It is 2013, and 2), it actually saves you money. An automated service is cheaper for the insurer to run which means it is cheaper for you!

4) Choose Your Car With Care

You would be surprised at how many people buy a car and not really take into consideration the additional cost of buying car insurance. Take our advice… check your cars insurance rates/group. If your car is in a high group guess what… you pay more money. So if you find a dirt cheap Ferrari that you can afford, check if you can afford the insurance.

5) Pay Your Insurance Annually

This is a big one. If you go through all of Carhoots’ steps you will have found cheaper car insurance that you would have otherwise. Now with this step you can make it even cheaper. Pay your premium in one lump sum if you have the money there to do so. Less monthly payments, means less income, which more money saved! Cha Ching!

If you are serious about saving some money, and for more info on the above, you should check out the rest of tips on the list here:

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